
How To Use Your Gifts Despite Your Challenges To Start Your Business


How To Use Your Gifts Despite Your Challenges To Start Your Business

There are challenges in life that make us JUMP. Like myself, a life change in my life that affected my goals made me decide that creating a business with my own gifts was the best option for me. In the process, I found my passion.

In today’s post, Ambir Brooks, Owner of The Biz Bar, shares why she started her business and the challenges that ignited her to create her business solutions company. She expresses how her sickness affected her ultimate goals and how she used her gifts to start a business she loved.

I’m 18 in the emergency room, and my doctor comes in with her head hanging low. “ I’m looking at the results of your blood work and it doesn’t look good, you’re going to have to stay for a while. ” That’s the last thing I wanted to hear. I had pushed myself to the max because I always associated wealth with working hard and obtaining an education. I wanted to reach my maximum potential no matter what I had to sacrifice. So I went to school Monday, Wednesday, Friday and worked Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I literally had [hashtag]NoDaysOFF.

“You can’t work and go to school, just try to get social security and go to school online.” At that very moment, I feel depressed, I feel my anxiety going through the roof, and I’m angry. Why do I have to have Sickle Cell, Fibromyalgia, and Migraines? I have 10 siblings, why me? How am I going to take care of myself?

I felt like they were trying to dim my light and stop me from being great. I didn’t want social security because it wasn’t enough to live off of and I wanted people who really couldn’t physically work, to actually get it. But I applied anyway because I had missed 3 weeks of work.

I was denied 3 times. My school had forced me to withdraw and wouldn’t allow me to enroll in online classes because it was “too late” and I “wouldn’t be able to catch up”.

My job dramatically cut my hours because of their concern for my health. I started playing the blame game. This is my parent’s fault. If I wasn’t sick I would be able to go to school and work. I would be at the top of my class if I wasn’t sick.

So, everything bad that happened to me was because of my sickness. Because of this way of thinking my life was a complete mess. I started to join anything I could get my hands on to make money, not following a passion.

As I transitioned into motherhood, adulthood, and marriage- One thing was clear: I had NO idea who I was. I should have been the happiest woman on earth. I didn’t have to work because my husband took care of me, I was able to stay home and homeschool my son like I wanted to. I had everything I wanted and needed, but something was still missing. That happiness quickly turned into the darkest moment in my life. My depression had me at an all-time low. I allowed it to take control of everything including my judgment. I was stuck inside with a very energized toddler, no way to get around, no friends, and 600 miles from home. I was feeling useless because I had always financially contributed to wherever I lived. I wanted to work but with not enough money to place my son in daycare and with only one vehicle, it seemed out of reach.

So I started going to counseling to help with my depression and severe anxiety. After implementing some of the strategies and changing my peers; things began to turn around.

When I realized that only I was in control of my life and started to take responsibility for my own actions, my life got even better. We all want to live our best life & guess what? You already have everything you need to succeed.

You just have to really look within and find what you love to do. I found my passion and purpose. I had to tap into the real me. Not me as a wife or a mother, but as an individual. Starting a legit business was the best decision I ever made!

Have you had a challenge that made you go into business? If you would like to read more about Ambir’s story, be sure to read here and check out her business solutions. Let me know in the comments below.

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